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Your Dreams Will Make You Even More Successful, Learn How Now.

Marion Neubronner
6 min readOct 25, 2017


When we are going through changes in our lives, our dreams can become vivid and strange or disturbing because literally they are yourself talking to yourself.

The right hemisphere or the imaginative aspect of our brain speaks in images and metaphors and so when we use our critical logical part of brain which is largely the left hemisphere we cannot make sense of what those nightly messages are saying.

I have coached many peak performers, leaders and millionaires who were taking on the next success and use their dreams to translate their own Tues wisdom to themselves for their best next steps.

Here are some ways you can access the meaning or message in your dreams so that you can use them for powerful self discovery and healing.

  1. No one in your dreams represents the people in the waking world. They all represent parts of you.

One time I dreamt that I had to keep a police officer from trying to catch the guy I was dating.

It was not a scary encounter but it felt real. In that dream, the police officer is not a police officer but what it means to me. So for me it meant laws and cause and effects. My then suitor was a weed smoking spoken word artist from Atlanta and I was and to some parts still am a more conservative Singaporean know for our law abiding and conformist tendencies. He was not representing him, the reason why I was with him was because I enjoyed his playfulness and testing the limits and art. So actually the dream was the clash of my “conservative rule abiding me” with the “playful devil may care me”. And I was definitely helping my playful side run away. Which was interesting to realize.

Your father in your dream is not your father. It’s what he represents to you. Intelligent, respected, responsible or reckless, overpowering etc.

Your boss in your dreams is not your boss. It’s what aspects of you you see in her or find in her. Innovative, creative, determined or demanding vengeful backstabbing etc.

So your first step is to see what qualities or stories are being raised from the encounter. Be curious and open-minded, it may not be the most obvious characteristics of the individuals who play a role in your dreams. Sit and let what seems best fit. Also many of these are dependent on the issues you are trying to figure out at that time.

2. A vehicle usually represents your career and a house usually represents your personal life.

So if you are riding a fast motorcycle moving in and out of heavy traffic, your career is possibly moving fast and you are in a lean stage and agile. If you are on a bus and not in the driver’s seat, then your career is now slow and steady and you are not in control as you are only a passenger.

I once had a dream where I was in a law firm seemed that it was the one my brother owned or worked in. It was really like a home as there were bean bags and things for kids to do and the usual Google startup perks like a ping pong table etc. And then I saw a beautiful old house which seemed dark and grey and was up for sale or demolition. So I realized my work had become like my family and my own home was not given as much of the focus. This was very true for my stage of life then. It was an act of re-balancing for me. Also not surprising that since I have a home office I get the two confused. Emotionally as well it seems and tried to infuse more family into the office rather than a separate space for family.

3. Go back to the dream while you are awake

The sense of despair or the sense of hope while running away from the monster — is more important than the escape from the monster.

The feeling is actually the lesson in any dream. Many times we are processing challenging emotions and situations and if we cannot deal with them in the waking world we use dreams to process these. So there could be a huge fear in the dream but you woke up without finishing off the questions on how to manage this fear.

What can be done is to return to the dream in a relaxed and meditative state. So lie in your bed or a sofa and then walk through the dream slowly as far as much as you can feeling into it. So basically live inside the dream. Then at the point of fear or sadness, ask the monster calmly what it wants and why it frightens you? Then expect an answer. Go further and ask the monster how you can empower yourself to avoid or leverage the monster’s use etc. Ask your self in the dream all the questions you want . You are answering yourself with your own wisdom.

Let me suggest. It’s better to listen to your dreams than to some kind friends with useless advice. Always.

5. Do you have dreams which come true? Or parts of your dreams come up in your life unexpectedly?

Last year when I was asking myself what was the best next steps to do with my work. I put that question before sleeping so that in my dreams I could find answers.

I had a series of dreams of clogged sinks and toilets.

One of them, was having many seemingly poor and underprivileged women who come to my apartment in Singapore and they are eating KFC and somehow they leave bones and clogs my sink. And I was very upset. I felt like they were not respecting my home.

Another dream was of me entering a university dormitory, the girls’ restroom and there was a clogged sink which was rather yucky.

Yes. You can predict what happens next.

In my waking world in both my apartments in Santa Monica and in Singapore and in my friend’s home when I was visiting in San Francisco — I have clogged sinks and ahem overflowing toilets. Messy. And ahem crappy.

Somehow I saw women who were young or disadvantaged and a sink that was stuck.

It was so vivid in sleep and in life that I paid attention and work with a dream coach. Now my newest work is to help get women to learn to invest so that they can invest in women startups and businesses. Every since I made that decision — no more sh**ty dreams :)

While the connection is not direct, I could sense the underlying link. It was more than a directive it was also a form of healing that allowed for me to make that brave new startup step forward from nowhere.

Many who do dream work on themselves find it very enriching and also allows them to be connected to their higher selves and their true desires. They keep daily dream journals. They process them and then they see symbols and signs in the waking world and they can see clarity during tumultuous times.

Psychologically, we have so many multiple selves and identities and tensions between our differing roles and values and beliefs. Dreams allow for us to communicate to our different aspects — like a dialogue and if we know how to listen to the language of dreams we can hear faster and better. The more self aware we are and aligned we are with our conflicting values, the faster we can make clear and direct actions for our success.

By the way, I felt compelled to write this post. I had a dream that was more vivid last night and I was not sure what it meant and had not set aside time to process it yet, when I rushed into my Uber in Singapore and saw a dream catcher not unlike the one in the picture. Now Singaporeans are not usually dream discussing people and a dream catcher as opposed to a religious symbol that usually hangs on the mirror was unexpected. The driver and I had a good dream discussion. So. I felt I should write about it today.

Use it when you are stuck or challenged, write me to tell me more. Dream sharing is something all coaches do. Nightmares are dreams too. Misunderstood and very powerful for healing and deepening to our True Source.

