Write Inside Yourself is Your New Career
A large proportion of my clients are high level corporate leaders who are transiting from salaried to their own business. They are excited and also fearful. This is the first time in a long while that they are considering making their own masterpiece. They spent years building amazing services and products for others and now they have to hear what they want to build for themselves.
Many challenging and limiting beliefs arise at this point. They doubt their own value outside of a company. They wonder how to charge for their services. They are also grappling with how many years of being in a supportive ecosystem of their company and now alone — what does that mean.
Before you leave your job or country for something new. Journal! How can you walk out without a mental and emotional map. This map needs to be created inside you so that you can step out with more confidence and alignment and make your choices along the way. Many people rush to take the first thing that gives them a sense of safety or repeat old habits and behaviours because they are more used to that. In that way, they may have left their jobs but their job-like mentality may have not left them.
For the younger ones, in pursuit of their life long passion, journaling on a regular basis while you are in a company is key to seeing what you are learning from that employment. You are building your own career resource guide and should you eventually start your own business the lessons from this time are precious. We always talk about learning on someone elses’ time and money. This is it. Learn while watching others lead and grow businesses.
These are some sentence completions that could be used as you grow in greater and deeper understanding of your preferred work states and work choices.
I am blessed to do my life work. I do it daily regardless of payment. And I do it daily and am well paid. I am a teacher, writer, influencer, coach and I use psychology to grow conscious leadership and business. Here I am today as I write this, hoping you can grow to be more conscious and change the world for the better as part of your mission.
Leaders need to spend alot of time in reflection because being a Leader is an on the job learning. No classroom can prepare you for the challenges of the business world and no psychology class can help you navigate all emotions of your staff and team. You learn by doing and reflecting. You learn through interactions and wondering what are the unmet needs and what systems can be improved.
Lead yourself to your New or Same Conscious Career. Write inside Yourself.
1. My …. is important for me and I can fully express it through harvesting all the opportunities I see around me.
2. The … I decided to follow is in alignment with my life’s mission
3. I believe the … I choose to do is a reflection of my values and my goals
4. For me career is …
5. I feel … every time I think about my career
6. When I think of building a career the first thing that comes to mind is …
7. So far, my career has brought me so much …