Write Inside Yourself (is the Answer)
Many people consider me impulsive and a risk taker. They only see that I am changing directions and projects quickly as if with little or no basis or logic.
Many people use money or stability as a gauge of whether to do something or not. Meaning if I do this will I be more stable or wealthier? It is an easy compass needle to follow and that’s why most people understand when you take a job that pays more or gets you a promotion.
The people like me who walk away from promotions and more money, confuse most of the world with our decisions, In one of my past (career) lives, I was Assistant Director at the Ministry of Health, I was slated for Deputy Director yet I left within 4 months. My friends told me I was not giving the organization a chance, I was being too Gen Y or acting like a Millennial. My colleagues there told me I was being too impatient, the change that I wanted to make — had to take time. I had to spend 2 years there and build a reputation etc; then I could really move the needle and affect change.
Logically, I got it. But on a physical level and psycho-emotional level I was getting signs from the Universe and my body that I could not deny. I was getting sick every month. Rashes, fevers, red eyes. All illness I did not usually have. It was like work was making me sick. I didn’t feel fulfilled by my work and that was because although I was hired fir my curriculum design and leadership, I was basically doing secretarial work at the beginning as we were short of staff. I had to cover other people’s work and that took me away from much of my core. So I was definitely not happy.
One day I got down on my knees and asked God to make clear the path.
When you ask for a sign….
I was in the car with one colleague and we hit something in the carpark as we parking. It was a jolt. My thought was I could have died. Dramatic, I was but that was the thought. When I went out to lunch with another colleague, we really did almost run into another car. And this time we were both very shaken. This time I could have died. Not a thought. Then I realized, I was dying in the job and I had to get out. I was so shaken that night that as I took a bus home I was so afraid for accident number three to make it clear. Thank God, God knew he reached me.
I quit.
So what do I use to make decisions? I use my intuition and my wisdom. Regrettably their transmission sometimes is far from clear. And sometimes as seen above a tad too clear. Which makes me start new projects — seemingly from nowhere. (Like the upcoming writing retreat in Malaysia on Dec 13–16th, which you are invited to.)
That’s where my daily practice of journaling comes in. It helps me discern my choices proactively and before they turn into life and death decisions. For as long as I can remember I have kept a diary. I have them still somewhere in my home and I can see how much I focused on one area of my life and the pains they carry as well as the dreams and hopes. I can see how I wrote at 10 and how I write at 30 and yes they were different. Like two different people and they are indeed two different Marions.. as I have progressed through time.
In the Search Inside Yourself program, a mindfulness based emotional intelligence program that I teach, we use a lot of sentence completions to allow the participants to free flow with ideas and express emotions on a page with no judgment. They never need to read them out to others, they just share parts of the written expression, the parts they feel they want to share. Not just the comfortable parts, but the ones they feel authentic and compassionate to share in the moment.
In the next 8 weeks, I am encouraging us as leaders, parents and humans — to Write yourself into a More Conscious you. To write inside yourself and reveal your decisions and dilemmas and write yourself an answer to each of them. This is your moment of kneeling not in prayer but rather in presence to your inner wisdom and find the truest answers to your problems.
We will provide Incomplete Sentences for 13 categories of your life. You can then respond and hand-write your heart’s answers and send these pictures of the reflections back to my coaching team at NeuEducation, if you like more perspectives on what you wrote or the next steps we would suggest as coaches or new questions to go even deeper into your wisdom and uncover blind spots.
So these are the Steps to Write Inside Yourself Christmas Coaching
1) Wait for the Weekly Emailer with 2 Categories of your life and 14 incomplete sentences.
2) Take 2 incomplete sentences a day to write or write all 7 in one category in 1 day.
3) When you are complete with 1 category — follow the method I will be sending in Week 2 to analyze your own responses
4) If you want an external coaching support — take a picture of the responses and email them to coach@marionneubronner.com — we will be doing this for free the 2 months of December 2017 and January 2018 and a gift to our readers and to really get to know you and support you.
5) Wait for our response — give us 1 week. And email us if you don’t hear anything by then
6) Keep track of your life outside of journaling to see if the writing is already affecting the rest of your life — for when you start sorting your life — you will be able to discern better and act faster and in a more integrated manner
Excited? Eager?
YES! these are the emotions that arise when you challenge yourself to be True to yourself.
You may start to hear a little voice of wisdom more and more — and it will bring you on adventures you never knew could exist.
Write inside yourself!