The Wealth of Friends
I believe in currency — not money. I believe in emotional currency and energy currency.
Why do you go to one Mexican restaurant and not another? If the food tastes about the same and the price is about the same — yet you travel further for that one restaurant that makes eating fun, that makes you happy when you go there, you want the energy/ambience/atmosphere of that place. And then you give them money.
Why do I live on 3 continents at 3 different times of the year?
Estonia — I never even knew it existed till I made my first Estonian friend Karen Härms — Whose energy draws me to her and I said I wanted to visit her country. When Mindvalley U chose Estonia — I said YES. Why? 800 people keen to be better at their lives, being more conscious and building things of value in the world. That’s alot of emotional and energy currency! They built it. I came. I paid to be surrounded by curated energy and emotional currency. I feel uplifted time and time again by my Afest brothers and sisters. We may meet 2–3 times a year at most but each time I grow deeper into the wells of being me and so I feel the value of gathering.
California. I am by the beach and at the sunsets. The food is so fresh. The slow pace calms my soul. I am an urban creature raised with tall buildings as my habit, Singapore. So I crave open large spaces. I take train rides up and down the coast and that is exactly what I see now as I write this..
Space to create
Space to be and do what I want — away from conformist and conservative Singapore
My creative self — writes well here.
The currency of emotional and artistic expression
My friends here speak consciousness, spirituality, wellness, reverse aging, health, art, music, dance with such consistency like the air we breathe and I breathe the same air.
Refillng my creative self
Singapore — where I call home.
I am so proud to be Singaporean.
The emotional energy of a country with strong family values and community spirit. The commitment to nation. The pragmaticism. The work ethic. Too much at times.. but I know why and how and when.
So many ways it is my grounding no matter where I go. I carry Singaporean-ness in me … I am never alone. It echoes in the chambers of my heart and in the sound of my speech. I am branded, I am marked. And I accept and claim.
Yet I journey and join communities — India, Romania, Fiji… Looking not for wealth or fame
But for connection and life
For Emotional Currency
For Energy
For the feeling of being ALIVE
When I seek and give emotional and energetic currency — that is the universal currency. I am blessed with homes when I have none. Families are shared with me. Meals are halved with joy — as when I walked the Camino de Santiago and had a German nun cook and fed me. Music and Dance flow.
I am abundant
Without money
As are you